Friday, 11 March 2016

Ameri Group : Awards and Recognitions

Amerigroup is the best-in-class programs .It's service delivery model continue to earn recognition.

Ameri Group Recognition and results:

  • NCQA includes seven Amerigroup health plans in its list of the Top 100 Medicaid health plans in the country.
  • Five Amerigroup health plans are in the top 50 of the Top 100 Medicaid health plans and one has been included at this level for three consecutive years.
  • According to the 2014-2015 NCQA Medicaid Health Plan Rankings, Amerigroup’s affiliate health plans operating state sponsored programs are the #1 or #2 ranked plans in Georgia, New Jersey, New York, and Tennessee.

Certification :

Amerigroup and their affiliate health plans have achieved accreditation in numerous states across the nation. By meeting the rigorous evaluation process set for the by accrediting bodies, they have demonstrated their commitment to quality and continuous performance improvement.


  1. Really impressive.I am really happy to work with amerigroup.

  2. one of the best health care.The health plans that are provioded by them is really amazing.It is amazing to know that the Amerigroup health plans are in top 50 f the Top 100 Medicaid health plans.

  3. one of the best health group that provides appropiacate solutions to improve the health of the people.They provide amazing sevices and support to the customers. One of the best health care center.

  4. Really nice to know that the Ameri group has achieved so much success through their quality and continous performance improvement.

  5. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story of a great man who can be a motivation for all .

  6. It great to know that Ameri group service delivery model is gaining the such recognition.
